
Computing for Business Bachelors Degree with Honours from Plymouth University

Level 6 Diploma in Digital Marketing with the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing

Website Development

When I decided to go to university to get the degree I wanted, I decided to study computing for business to learn all aspects of the industry from security to databases, coding to ethics. The one area that interested me the most was websites. We did a number of modules specific to and relating to websites including interface design, web site development, human computer interaction, electronic commerce and business and advanced web technologies.

I was then fortunate to be selected to work in the Web and Database team at Peninsula College of Medicine & Dentistry where I went on to build my first websites, as well as completing a web project for my final year project. A project that was graded first class.

My career moved me on to Liskeard School & Community College where I built a further 3 websites as well as a number of freelance projects.

As university allowed us to study project management using PRINCE2 and software methodologies I also project manage all my projects and project managed the Liskeard School Nursery website that my apprentice built for her Level 3 NVQ.

I have hard coded websites in HTML, CSS, PHP and JQuery and built content management system using a bespoke CMS, Concrete 5, Joomla and WordPress, the 2 latter systems I have adopted for all new projects as I aimed to become an authority on them.

Click the images below to read more about each web project and the technologies used.